Here are photos of our garlic that we were so worried we may have lost to rot.. and 97% of them were beautiful! We had the wonderful helping hands of our visiting friends Clara and her husband Steve... they were much needed help in the garlic harvest! Farm work was traded for cool dunks in the river when it got too hot! The garlic will "cure" in the dark well ventilated barn until it is thoroughly dried. This garlic is all hardneck varieties.. they are a more gourmet variety with a richer, more complex taste but they do not store as well as the soft neck garlic. We will try to grow some softneck variety for next year so we can sell braided garlic at farmers market! Also in the next few weeks we will be selling produce directly from the farm for people who come by. We will pick to order... please let your friends know!
Thank you!
Your friendly Big Lick Farmers
Asinete and Suzie :)
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